How we do the damn thing.


  • You, plus sign, me, equal sign… US.

    Our first step is to jump on a call where the client (you!) brings all the information that you have concerning your project.

  • From our discover phase, I will come back with a proposal and contract of work based on what was discussed in our previous step. We will outline everything from expected creative outcome mock ups, to timelines, to invoicing.

  • After our proposal, we will refine any outstanding questions and creative in great detail; finalizing any concerns prior to creation so that we can stick to our agreed timeline.

  • Ah, here is the meat and potatoes of the whole enchilada. That doesn’t make sense, but let’s roll with it. Ba-dum chiiii!

    Based on our proposal phase we will go through a scheduled amount of creative reviews. Invoices will be submitted to the client with each review and payment is mandatory prior to our next milestone review. Communications and deadlines for milestones are laid out during our present phase

  • Finally! you get your new shiny baby!

    During this phase, we will make sure we cross every “T”, dot every “I” and ensure each and every stage is ready for the world to see.

    From here we will implement all contracted needs and deliver all pre-determined deliverables.

  • we will review our project for hits and misses, as well as wrap up any invoices that are outstanding.

    This phase will occur within the first week of final project delivery.